Friday, July 13, 2012

Super Heros, Aliens, and Demi Gods Oh My!

It's Friday!  Yay!!!!  Friday the 13th.  Not a bad day over all.  Only one bloody nose caused by a basketball to the face, one mention of not licking something, one occurrence of watching my friend wait for a fly to land in her trash can so she could take it out with her trash(I am not alone in my strange ways, I have friends...You should be afraid, very afraid!), oh and seeing The Amazing Spider Man. 

I asked the kids what they wanted to do today since normally we would have plans but today they were canceled.  I got all kinds of suggestions.  By the time they decided they wanted to go bowling we had already left the house to pick up some friends, and wouldn't you know it (God was on my side) there were no socks in the car.  So the decision of what to do was easy.  We shall got to the movies.  Corbin decided on Spider Man and all the big kids were happy.  After the decision was made one of the extra kids asks me:

Ms. Flamik, did you ever notice that none of the superheros are naturally hero's?  They are all genetically modified.

Me:  What about Thor?

He's an Alien.

Zach:  Noooooo get it right he's a Demi God.

Doesn't the church preach against other God's?

Zach:  (Big Sigh)  Hes not a God.  He only has powers like a God.  Really it's not an issue.  There is only one big God  how is he supposed to get stuff done without minions.(I think we need to have a conversation but somehow minions seem to be like angels only a more updated and ridiculous way of interpreting them.)

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