Thursday, March 14, 2019

I never know what will appear on my desk....NEVER!!!!!

This evening I came into my office, it's tax season, to find this lovely gem on my desk.

I am not sure what my grandmother is trying to say. I sent this to a couple of friends:

"Is she looking for some action do you think?"

"LOL!!!! OMG!!! your vagina in a funk? I am a bad friend.....I haven't checked on your vagina lately....."

"Oh dear!!!! Hopefully it's personal and not about you. I mean her old junk just might be rancid. It might be a cry for help. LOL"

I think with everything that has gone on in the last few months I needed that laugh. I am hoping that is why she left it on my desk. Some days that lady just knows when I need a good laugh.