Sunday, February 11, 2018

Note to self, call when you get certain text messages

Well nothing like having the hell scared out of you on a Sunday afternoon.

My oldest sweet pea is away for the weekend at a karate seminar. Its a huge 2 day program that certifies him to be able to continue to teach at his karate studio. My mom went with him as this is a busy time of year for me. Really what could happen with a room full of trained black belts.

Why do I assume nothing could happen in a room full of karate students? Dumb.

I get the following from my mother:

Me: You on your way back yet?

Mom: Not yet. There was a man who has been taken into custody he was threatening everyone. About 20 police sheriffs and fire are here. He threatened to blow up the school. I don't know if they are going to shut down the class early or what. Will let you know as soon as I do.

Me: WTF?!?!!?!??!??!

Mom: I am in my car in the parking lot. Saw and heard everything going down.

Mom: How's the weather up there?

Me: cold

After the last message I had called the studios owners wife, she had no clue what was going on. Point one to always call my mother before I call anyone else. We talked for a few and figured that it couldn't have been a big deal but you never know.

I called my mom:

Me: Again WTF mom.

Mom: well a transient went into the school where the kids were and screamed at the kids and started throwing all his stuff around the gym. Then Zs instructor and a friend picked it all up and put it outside, apparently the man left at the same time. He was starting to move towards the men who evicted him at the same time the sheriffs showed up. They calmed him down and took him away.

That's when the instructor told my mom she might want to leave for a while.

Okay that isn't what your message indicated but I am so grateful that everyone is safe.

As I am relaying this information to my grandmother she says "you are so calm, most parents want to get in the car and get to the kids."

Me: Well for one thing I know sometimes mom gets a head of steam up about little things so I wanted to make sure of what was going on before I went on a momma bear strike. For another thing, if that jerk had gone back in there to hurt those kids I have no doubt that my mother would have put her car in drive and run his stupid ass over and I would be buying her a new car this week.

My grandmother laughed, "you're right, you sent him with the right person."

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