Discussing over lunch all the summer camps and spring camps that my oldest will be able to attend this year. One camp they go to the beach, another they are hiking and swimming and just hanging out, a missions trip, and of course our favorite was the karate nationals tournament in Maryland.
Looking at the brochures for all these camps we started weeding out what he would and would not go to.
Me: Well, the missions trip isn't over summer its during spring break. It costs $700.00.
Z: So I would have to pay $700.00 to go somewhere to help with their plumbing?
Me: Hummm..That's what it looks like.
Z: Really? I'm going to pay to go to New York and do something I can do working for my uncle and make money?
Me: Yeah. Hum, I guess you could do the same kind of missions work with your friends right here and work for your uncle.
Z: Yeah.
I have a hard time arguing with a child who is practical.
As I relayed this story to my sister in law her first response:
"Oh my! He sounds like Papa."
I would have to agree he sounds like Pop. I am looking forward to what this boy will do with his life. I have no doubt whatever it is he will do it well.
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