Thursday, December 5, 2013

Throw back Thursday does not mean regression of behavior....I hope.

Today was a very, very long day and its still early.  I guess in retrospect I could see the tantrum coming. All last week we narrowly avoided the breakdowns that were simmering, what used to be a daily occurrence for my dear sweet Corbin.

Alas the breakdown could wait no longer.  Christmas, all the changes in decorations of the house, the weather(having an allergy to the cold sucks), his brother teaching his karate class this morning instead of the usual instructor, or Diego being gone this morning when he got up.  Whatever it was it brought out the unreasonable side of my child.

I have been, hit, screamed at, and fired. Yes fired.  (Apparently children can fire their parents, its not effective but I'm sure it makes him feel better.) All in the course of about 10 minutes.  I must send an email apologizing to my host for my child's outburst and my wanting to exit the home as soon as was safely possible.

Maybe I have been too involved in other things to make this observation but until today I have never seen him sabotage himself into a tantrum.  Maybe he just needed a release, wish he had chosen a better venue but there really never is a good place for these breakdowns.  He made a conscious choice to make himself unhappy. Even given the choice to make a change he chose to be miserable. I'm pretty sure when people post stuff on Facebook about throw back Thursday it's not supposed to include behavior.

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