Monday, May 4, 2020

Homeschooling at its finest.

My youngest son came into my office this afternoon very upset. 

"What's wrong?"

"I am reading science and it just doesn't make any sense to me."

"What doesn't make sense?"

"The book says one thing but the rest of the world says something else."

In comes the oldest:

"That's called using facts to slant an argument in the direction you believe it should go regardless of the actual facts. Mom, you never made me do this science."

"You did science."

"Not at his age."

"Crap, you're right."

The conversation went down hill from there to the point where the oldest pulled out the common core standards and asked the youngest all the questions he should be able to answer to pass the standard.

"See he's done with science for the year and it looks like he's done till 8th grade."

There aren't many days that they team up against me, but today they did and won. They used facts and slanted them in their direction. I could have fought it but I know that this will not be the last time that my youngest will learn about animals. I will stick it in with all his other stuff so he won't even notice it's science. Just like I did with the oldest.

Teaching PreAlgebra using Social Distancing....Some Days I Scare Myself

My little guy came into my office this morning for help with math.

Today I was listening to the most recent laws to help employees with the COVID-19 virus. He waited for my conference to end and then fell apart.

"Mom, I just don't get this!" (Tears! Lots of tears come after that.)

What don't you get my love?

"THIS" 30X=.08

"I don't get it at all!!!"

Okay kido lets look at this. So what they want to do since X is too close to 30 people is socially distance those 30 people from X. What do we have to do to get someone who is multiplying an illness?

"We remove them."

"So how do you remove 30 people when they are too close to the illness?"

"We divide them out."

"And then what?"

"Then you get .02 and 2/3 and less people getting sick."
