Monday, December 2, 2019


Part of me just wants to go ahead and get these for my niece just to spread the cheer all year long and maybe for a lifetime.. Glitter is the herpes of art never seem to be totally rid of it. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Just Die Already.

I know it sounds harsh but seriously when someone asks you to pray at church that they die soon.....Well just die already. 

Its daily. This constant want for release from this world.  I have to assume that something in the universe isn't ready to take her out yet.  Or they are just unprepared to deal with her.  She is feisty.

I know my family will miss her when she is gone but when your body is falling apart and you can't remember that you have ever been sick or that your family paid someone to teach you how to use an ipad well I can understand not wanting to be here anymore.