Saturday, October 5, 2019

Beware f bombs and stalkers ahead

My moms stalker was back zach knocks on my bedroom door. "F@#*!; Mark is back"  watch your mouth
Me knocking at my moms bedroom door "your boyfriend's back"(in a sing song voice)
Mom "f@#$"

Funny I didn't use that word but know it must be generational. Sigh.

Darth Vador soon to be in the house!

I'm dying right now. I was explaining to the kids that D wakes up with a headache every day and that hopefully next week it would get better with the machine he is getting this week. It will help him breathe better but he may look like Darth Vader.

A: D just don't turn evil on me okay? I don't want to be choked out with the force.

C: Your lack of faith disturbs me.